Nothing is better than a collaborative social media app that provides qualitative Black content to learn from the community for the community.
We want to be part of the powerful cultural revolution happening across the globe. And encourage: unity, empowerment, and knowledge. B-Thrive breaks down the Black culture in such an easy and fun way to learn and discover more about our Black-Africaness.
Let’s all embark on this generational revolution. Let’s B-Thrive :)
Why thrive (B-Thrive results)
Re-building our community and take our self-power back :
understanding of the role of history, language, education, religion, reflection and esteem in any attempt to overcome the psychological effects of oppression to begin the process of decolonisation
putting power in the hands of the people: providing political, economical reasons
deploying Black Consciousness
Inspiring healing to break the generational curses:
we know about our trauma, we heal and go grab and create our own opportunities
Sharing ancient practices to (re) gain ancestors power back
deploying Black Consciousness
Creating emotional and financial wealth:
to be grounded and build legacy we need to apply a simple formula emotional + financial wealth = powerful generational wealth
Unlocking our superpower by provide a safe and supportive environment on our app
Facilitating access to economical ways to success but also how to critically think about the world and history that we have been taught to take best decisions
Restoring Unity lost during the enslavement and colonialism:
Restoring our blueprint
Erasing the conditioning/ internalised racism
Empowering Black Past-Present-Future History
Being the change our ancestors prayed for and create the Black nations that we dream about
Developing an increasing the Black consciousness
Changing the narrative and showcasing the contribution made by Black thinkers to global social and political developments
Creating more Black role models for current and next generations
Forming a Black change maker community